Drop off and Pick up reminder

     We are writing to address an important issue regarding the drop-off and pick-up times for our clients at the Pride Program. We have noticed that many clients are being dropped off before our program officially opens at 9:00 AM, with some arriving as early as 7:45 AM. This early arrival poses a significant safety concern.

    Our staff arrives at 8:30 AM each day to prepare for their respective activities and collaborate with their team members during morning meetings. Having this time also allows us to ensure that every morning at 9:00 AM, clients are supervised and supported as they begin their day. However, if clients are dropped off too early, they may be left unsupervised if there are unforeseen delays in staff arrival. Additionally, transportation companies are not required to wait for an individual to enter the building, which further complicates the situation.

    To address these concerns and ensure the safety and well-being of all our clients, we kindly request that all transportation drop-offs occur no earlier than 9:00 AM. Furthermore, we ask that pick-up times be no later than 3:00 PM. Adhering to these times will help us maintain a safe and organized environment for everyone.

    If these times still pose a challenge or if you have specific needs that require adjustments, please reach out to Christina or Lauren at your earliest convenience, so we may discuss alternative options to accommodate your situation, while ensuring proper supervision and support for your loved one.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Your support helps us provide the best possible care and environment for all our clients.